What is weight loss (bariatric) surgery?

Weight Loss (Bariatric) Surgery

What is weight-loss (bariatric) surgery?

Bariatric surgery is surgery to help people lose weight and improve health problems related to weight. It may also be called metabolic surgery. This type of surgery is used for people who have obesity. Weight-loss surgery may be an option for people who have not been able to lose weight or improve weight-related health problems with diet, exercise, and medicines.

There are different types of bariatric surgery. They make the stomach smaller. Some types of surgery also change the connection between your stomach and intestines.

After surgery, you'll need to make new, lifelong changes in how you eat and drink. You'll have the support of your health care team to make these changes. These changes will help you reach your goals and stay at a weight that is healthy for you.

Why is weight-loss (bariatric) surgery done?

This type of surgery may be an option if you have obesity or health problems related to your weight. You and your doctor may consider surgery if you have not been able to lose weight or improve health problems with healthy eating, exercise, or weight-loss medicines.

How is weight-loss (bariatric) surgery done?

All types of weight loss surgery make changes to your digestive system. Some common types are:

  • Gastric bypass.

    The doctor uses a small part of your stomach to create a smaller stomach. This is connected to the middle part of the small intestine. Food skips (bypasses) the rest of the stomach and part of the small intestine. This surgery is called a Roux-en-Y (say "roo-en-why") gastric bypass.

  • Gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy).

    The doctor removes more than half of your stomach, leaving a thin vertical sleeve, or tube.

Weight-Loss Surgery: How Others Decided

How well does weight-loss (bariatric) surgery work?

Bariatric surgery is a safe treatment that can help people lose a significant amount of weight and keep it off long-term. It can help improve or even reverse health problems caused by obesity, such as diabetes and high cholesterol. It can also decrease the chance of early death and improve quality of life.

Gastric bypass may lead to greater weight loss and better chances of reducing health problems like type 2 diabetes than adjustable gastric banding. People who get gastric bypass may be less likely to need weight-related surgeries in the future.

Sometimes people gain some weight back within a few years after surgery. To get the best results, follow your treatment plan and work with your doctor.

How can you plan ahead for weight-loss (bariatric) surgery?

You can prepare for surgery by having a plan. Your plan may include your goals for losing weight and how to make changes in your diet, activity, and lifestyle to help raise your chances of success.

One way to prepare for surgery is to think about why you want to reach a weight that's healthy for you. Do you want to lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar? Do you want to be able to sleep better, play with your kids, or walk farther without getting as tired? Think of a reason that matters to you. It can help you stay with your plan and meet your goals.

You'll have a weight-loss team that you can talk to about your plans and goals. The team will help you get ready for surgery. After surgery, the team can help you make changes so you can reach and maintain a weight that's healthy for you.

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