Applying for a grant
The application period for 2025 grants closed on August 16, 2024.
Participating Hospitals
Participating hospitals include those of Catholic Health Initiatives, Dignity Health and Virginia Mason Franciscan Health. These hospitals are all part of CommonSpirit Health, which was created in 2019 when Catholic Health Initiatives and Dignity Health came together to create a national health system.
Hospitals in CommonSpirit’s Mountain Region (Colorado, Kansas and Utah) do not participate in the Community Health Improvement Grants, but have a separate Health Equity & Advancement Fund grant program.
Grant Award Ranges
Grant award ranges have minimum and maximum amounts that vary by hospital, within the categories of small grants (up to $19,500) and standard grants (from $20,000 to as much as $150,000). Each participating hospital has a specific grant funding range.
Eligibility Criteria
This is a summary of eligibility criteria. The program overview document contains additional important details.
- Applicants must be IRS 501(c)3 non-profit organizations, or have a fiscal agent that is a 501(c)3 organization and capable of administering grant funds.
- Proposals are for projects that address one or more significant health needs in the hospital’s most recent community health needs assessment (CHNA) or implementation strategy, with sustained project activity over a period of between 9 and 12 months.
- The program is intended both to support the delivery of services and to strengthen collaborative service systems. Consistent with this aim, proposals for grant projects of $20,000 or more must include collaborating partner organizations other than the granting hospital with distinct, complementary and substantive project roles.
- People and communities to be served are within the hospital’s service area and include identified underserved or vulnerable populations, to help address health inequities. People to be served can include members of the community at-large, patients of CommonSpirit Health entities or both.
- Proposals are for one year periods only. Applicants can apply in subsequent years for similar scopes of work or to conduct different projects, but projects will not be funded for more than four consecutive years.
- Ineligible proposals include those for unrestricted general operating support, event sponsorships and activities less than 9 months in duration.
- The grant program has limits on funding for equipment purchases, including computer equipment.
- The grant program does not fund capital projects (e.g., buildings, renovations, lobbying or political campaigns.
Key dates
June 17 - August 16, 2024
Grant application period is open. Applicant organizations can apply online.
(on or about) January 6, 2025
Applicants are notified of funding decisions.
January - February 2025
Grant agreements are signed, followed by grant award payments.
March 1, 2025
Grant project period begins.
September 30, 2025
Mid-year project reports due.
February 28, 2026
Grant project period ends.
March 30, 2026
Final project reports due.

Questions and Technical Assistance
- See these Frequently Asked Questions about the grant program.
- Questions about local hospitals’ grant priorities can be addressed to the appropriate Local Grant Leaders who are listed in the Hospital List for Applicants.
- General questions about the Community Health Improvement Grants program can be directed to