Sponsored programs lifecycle

OSP provides high quality and customer-oriented administrative support and guidance to project staff throughout the entire grant lifecycle. Contact us for more information about our services. CommonSpirit employees can visit the internal CSHRI website for detailed information about our services.
OSP toolbox
The internal CSHRI website includes investigator tools, resources, forms and templates to support your research project.
CommonSpirit Health Research Institute (CSHRI) Institutional Information
Please contact us for information about the CommonSpirit Health Research Institute, such as aAddress, UEI, administrative and fiscal contacts, Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR), Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement and more.
OSP grant agreements and contract negotiations
The CSHRI Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) completes the review, negotiation and acceptance for all research grant agreements and contracts across CommonSpiritth system. Please access the internal CSHRI website for more information about the contracting process guide, contracts process map, contract type definitions, and contract routing form.

NCORP program
OSP manages large programs like the National Cancer Institute’s Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP). NCORP is a national network that brings cancer clinical trials and care delivery studies to people in their own communities. https://ncorp.cancer.gov/
CommonSpirit is proud to be an active and vital participant in the NCORP – a national network of cancer care investigators, providers, academia and other organizations that care for diverse populations in health systems.
NCORP provides access to a wide portfolio of high-quality research studies that meet the needs of diverse populations. We continue to focus on expanding Cancer Care Delivery Research (CCDR) and addressing disparities among racial and ethnic minorities and other underrepresented populations in access to cancer care.
- The NCI awarded Catholic Health Initiatives the NCORP grant in 2014.
- In 2019, we became the CommonSpirit Health Research Institute (CSHRI) and are now in our 10th year of the grant program.
- 13 sites in seven states make up the CORA NCORP network under CommonSpirit and our partners.
- 100+ local physician investigators and research teams, including research coordinators and research nurses, participate in the CORA NCORP program.
- The CORA NCORP network has enrolled 1700+ patients in NCI cancer clinical trials.
- We currently have 170 NCI studies open to enrollment and 140 studies in active follow-up
- Arizona – Dignity Health
- California – Dignity Health
- Colorado – CommonSpirit Health
- Kentucky – CHI Saint Joseph
- Nebraska – CHI Health
- Ohio – TriHealth
- Washington - Virginia Mason Franciscan Health